The GAMMA Junior Galaxy racquet was designed specifically for young players and is made with your little star in mind. It features a thin grip at 4-1/8″ and a short handle at 4 1/2″ that will be very easy to hold for any age player. Along with the graphite material, the racquet provides the feel of one of the finest racquets available and the standard large head shape is the ultimate sweet spot. The lightness then gives the player power and performance.
Materiál jádra : NeuCore Polypropylen
Povrch rakety : Texturovaný grafit
Průměrná hmotnost : 7,0 unce (oz) ≈ 198,45 gramů
Tloušťka: 16 mm ≈ 1,6 centimetru
Délka : 14-5/8 palců ≈ 37,15 centimetru
Šířka : 7-1/4 palců ≈ 18 415 centimetru
Délka rukojeti : 4-1/2 palce ≈ 11,43 centimetru
Velikost rukojeti: 4-1/8 palce ≈ 10,48 centimetru
Rukojeť : GAMMA Honeycomb
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